Monday, 16 January 2012

Dealing with chaos

In most creative projects, and certainly in a painting, there comes a moment when you want to give up. It looks like a mess, you're tired and wonder why you started.

I think for all of the cast of No Fixed Abode, today was that extended moment. There was a lot to cover in our storyline which has a dozen scenes. We have to block out the moves even if some of the dialogue is improvised. Somehow the energy wasn't quite there although the play itself was taking shape.

Hayley, who is just 17, is the protagonist and consequently appears in nearly every scene. She loves drama but this is demanding and she was feeling the pressure today. Nonetheless she's beginning to get to grips with her pivotal character.

I'm in almost as many scenes and with a heavy cold was struggling. And unlike everyone else, because I am also filming I get the to look at myself when reviewing the film. It was not an enjoyable experience and it's hard not to wish I had stayed on the sidelines.

I am hoping that like that difficult time with a painting, sticking with it pays dividends and something interesting eventually appears from the chaos. With the performances on Wednesday, some hard work is going to be needed tomorrow. Anybody got a good cure for a cold?

I suspect the adrenaline of people watching may have to be the emergency tonic.

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